Definitely not an ordinary car magazine.
A magazine made for car enthusiasts, focused on automobiles meaning a little bit more than transportation, emphasizing the people, the ideas and the spirit around those cars. Not to mention the enjoyment of driving them!
Supercar’s publishers and team of car aficionados chose to embrace good graphic design, high paper quality, reliable journalism, large artistic photography, and complex illustration at a time when most Romanian magazines (automotive or not) were, let’s say, more focused on other things.
The result was a magazine that immediately stood out, one close to our heart for many reasons: a very special product, a great team around it, and our first publishing project.
Andrei Craciun came up with the editorial concept and worked closely with the lead designer – Iulian Puiu (an excellent designer, by the way) – on the initial graphic concept. Then he managed the day to day editorial and design duties as Creative Director. Alice Craciun managed the executive side of the project. Other people from the original Supercar team of journalists and desktop publishers are among our close collaborators.